17 day Cabin and Camping Safari South Africa, Swaziland & Mozambique ex Johannesburg 
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13.01.2025 | 02:34 | 736 Tours

Du bist hier: Home ► SafariMozambiqueInhambaneTofo, Barra, Bazaruto, Vilanculos
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17 day Cabin and Camping Safari South Africa,
Swaziland & Mozambique ex Johannesburg

Private Bush Camps, Unspoilt Sandy Beaches, Maputo, Dhow Trip ::
Kruger National Park, Hluhluwe Game Reserve, Kingdom of Swaziland,
Transfrontier Peace Park :: Remote Bush Camping, Maputo Elephant
Reserve, Mozambique Village Culture

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17 days



1.595,00 €

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5% for students 5% for early bird bookings more than 6 months before tour starts

A crossroads of civilizations, cultures and landscapes, influenced from the early days by nomadic tribes, Arab traders, British sailors and Portuguese colonials, then torn apart by over 20 years of civil war. With newfound peace, and a fast growing economy recently reopened to tourism, Mozambique offers the explorer a wealth of treasures in the form of untouched wilderness areas, natural beauty, deserted beaches, and unique cultural heritage.

This tour combines the well-known attractions of Kruger and Hluhluwe National Parks - where animals abound, living in their natural environment, with the recently initiated Transfrontier Peace Park, Banhine / Zinave wilderness and Maputo Elephant Reserves in Mozambique. The Transfrontier Park incorporates the existing Kruger Park as well as large adjoining parts of Mozambique and Zimbabwe. We will traverse the Mozambique section, using rough bush tracks, and camping wild at a remote, unspoiled, yet incredibly scenic bush camp.

The tour will also visit natural and cultural attractions, and will spend time at deserted Indian Ocean beaches, including the Bazaruto Archipelago. We enjoy a night near the capital Maputo, where we experience the almost Latino culture, and enjoy the city before crossing the bay by ferry to explore the southern coastline and Maputo Elephant Reserve. A 4x4 expedition vehicle is used for this tour, but clients must expect delays, or inconvenience associated with exploring such rough terrain.

Detailed Itinerary

Departing from Johannesburg Lodge at 06h30, we head for the spectacular scenery of the Mpumalanga province. We will visit numerous sights including the pioneer gold mining village of Pilgrims Rest and the Three Rondavels that tower over the Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve. Late in the afternoon we descend from the escarpment to the Lowveld area where we overnight in the comfortable BUSHVELD CAMP within the Balule Game reserve part of the Greater Kruger National Park. After dinner we will enjoy an open vehicle night game drive..

Arising with the African sun, we set out on foot in this "Big 5" reserve for a lengthy walk. Our tracker will attempt to show us animals in their natural habitat and to give us some insight into the art of tracking. We return to camp for a healthy brunch and a swim before packing up and moving on to the world-renowned Kruger National Park – widely acclaimed as being Africa's most successful Nature Reserve. We will spend our time here game driving in search of the many animal and bird species that inhabit the area, and will camp two nights in the Park's rest camps.

This entire day is for viewing animals in the Kruger Park from our well-equipped vehicle. We will search for the "Big 5" today. Camp the night.

This morning, we cross the border into Mozambique. At this point the road becomes a bush track which we will follow, venturing into the heart of the wilderness. The area that we traverse over the next days is the Mozambique side of the Transfrontier Peace Park and is privileged to have remained virtually unexplored by humans. The bush is exceptional, and offers areas of exquisite natural beauty and wildlife.

The diversity of the flora ensures some of the finest birding in Africa. We will spend two nights camping wild, exploring both on foot and by vehicle, and enjoying the serenity of the wilderness. Road conditions are rough and river crossings numerous, clients will be expected to assist in difficult sections, but for those seeking true adventure and unspoiled Africa, there are few areas that compare with this.

Leaving the Transfrontier Park, we make our way across the Limpopo River and into the heart of the Banhine/Zinave wilderness region where we will spend two nights wild bush camping. We will attempt to traverse some of the Zinave Park, once renowned for its abundant wildlife. Few people have visited these areas in the last two decades.

Leaving the wilderness behind us, today we pass through the many vibrant and bustling villages en route to the coast. Our next stop is Vilanculos - on the shores of the warm azure Indian Ocean, overlooking the Idyllic Bazaruto Archipelago. We spend two nights here in Casitas, situated literally on the beach.

We will enjoy a traditional Dhow trip to the islands and will have the opportunity to snorkel along a reef in this marine reserve (this trip is dependant on weather conditions). One night we will enjoy a meal at a local restaurant.

Moving south along the coast, our next stop is the ancient trading port of Inhambane. Clients will enjoy a trip across the bay on a traditional Dhow while the guide drives around to meet them in town. We spend some time exploring and visiting the bustling local market before continuing to our BARRA BEACH CAMP under the Coconut Palms on the beach.

We will enjoy three nights in relative comfort, staying in Casitas at this camp. During our time here we will relax, snorkel, and soak up the sun whilst exploring the deserted beaches that Mozambique is so well known for. On the last night we enjoy a catered meal (own expense). Those who wish to have the options of scuba diving or horse riding on the beach (own expense).

Well relaxed and sun-drenched, we continue down the coast to the capital Maputo where we spend some time driving around and exploring this once grandiose city. Maputo boasts a Latino culture of street cafés, music and bustling markets. We spend the night in a comfortable hotel. Tonight we will eat in a local restaurant, sampling some of the local seafood (own expense). For the brave, Peri–Peri is a must.

It is with new excitement that we venture back into the bush. Driving on sandy tracks we wind our way south to the Elephant reserve where we will spend the entire afternoon exploring the coastal flood plains and surrounding forests in search of these larger than average African elephants. Somehow, during the war years these elephants survived by moving down the Futi channel into South Africa, it is one of nature’s miracles that they have now returned in large numbers. We will camp the night..

Returning to South Africa today via the Ponta do Ouro border post, we enter the area once ruled by the famed Shaka Zulu. We will spend two nights at the ZULULAND CAMP, a rustic camp in the sand forest on our private reserve adjoining Lake St Lucia near Hluhluwe. During our stay we will enjoy game walks through the forest, experience an open vehicle game drive in Hluhluwe National Park and will visit a rural Zulu school which Drifters sponsors through the benefits of tourism.

Our journey today takes us through the heart of Kwazulu - Natal, we will pass many rural Zulu villages and some spectacular scenery en-route back to Johannesburg. We arrive back at the JOHANNESBURG LODGE in the late afternoon.

Beate Gernhuber


Mit der Gründung von SafariScout.com schliesst sich für Firmen-Inhaberin Beate Gernhuber ein Kreis: Nach 12 Jahren Afrika-Safari hat sich ihr Rucksack Urlaub verdient - andere sollen nun auf Reisen gehen. Und dies gut vorbereitet, mit Informationen und Insider-Tipps im Gepäck, die Beate Gernhuber in Südafrika, Namibia, Botswana, Mosambik, Malawi, Lesotho, Swaziland, Sambia, Simbabwe und Tansania gesammelt und getestet hat. Die knapp 100 Tourangebote auf dieser Website spiegeln ein Teil der Reiseroute wider, auf der die Globetrotterin in den vergangenen Jahren ihr persönliches Afrika-Abenteuer gelebt hat.

Bereist hat sie Afrika zu Lande, im Wasser und in der Luft. Das verlässlichste Reisegefährt war dabei ein VW-Bus von 1978, welcher der glühenden Hitze der Wüste Namibias ebenso trotzte wie den bergigen Strassen um Kapstadt. Und sich in zum Teil dicken Zuckersand bis an die Palmenstrände Mosambiks durchkämpfte. Zu Fuß kam sie auf einer Wildlife-Wander-Safari in Südafrikas Krüger National Park einem Geparden-Pärchen gefährlich nahe, ist in den Drakensbergen an der Grenze Lesothos Pavianen und Antilopen begegnet und in einem Schutzzentrum mit Elefanten spazierengegangen - Rüssel in Hand.

Mit einer traditionellen Dhau segelte sie zu den Inseln des mosambikanischen Bazaruto Archipels und paddelte im Kajak um die Inseln des Malawi-Sees. Eine Cessna gewährte zudem von hoch oben einen besonderen Ausblick auf ein grosses Loch in der Erde nahe der südafrikanischen Hauptstadt Pretoria - den Fundort des grössten Diamanten aller Zeiten, der heute die britischen Kronjuwelen ziert.

Einige Orte sind für Beate Gernhuber auf ihrer Safari zum zweiten Zuhause geworden, wo sie in verschiedenen Bereichen der Tourismus-Branche gearbeitet hat. Ein Jahr lang tauchte sie täglich mit Touristen in die Unterwasserwelt des Roten Meeres ab, sie managte eine Berg-Lodge in Südafrika und arbeitete in einem Reisebüro in der Nähe von Johannesburg - nicht zu vergessen die Strandbar in Malawi, die sie aufbaute und die es immer noch gibt.

Dabei hat Beate Gernhuber die Menschen kennengelernt, die heute hinter den Tourangeboten von SafariScout.com stehen. Das sind die Guides, die mit Ihnen auf Safari gehen werden, die Mitarbeiter der Tourunternehmen, die für einen reibungslosen Verlauf der Reisen sorgen und die Gastgeber in den Hotels und Lodges, bei denen Sie am Abend eines spannenden Reisetages ausspannen können. Mit diesen Menschen verbinden Beate Gernhuber zwei Dinge: Die Liebe zu Afrika und der Enthusiasmus, Ihnen unvergessliche Eindrücke dieses facettenreichen Kontinents vermitteln zu wollen.

SafariScout.com wünscht Hamba Kahle. Das ist Zulu und bedeutet: Gute Reise!


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Besondere Hinweise

Bad roads, flooding rivers and other factors beyond our control may necessitate unplanned adventure, detours, etc. An open mind-set is essential. We may run this tour in the reverse direction on occasion.

This tour covers areas of Mozambique that are virtually unexplored and as such, have little or no road and other infrastructure. A 4x4 expedition vehicle is used but even this is no guarantee that we will always be able to stick to our planned route. Road conditions, rising rivers or other factors beyond our control may necessitate major detours and/or inconvenience - particularly after heavy rains. A sleeping bag, towel and pillow are required for this tour.

Due to the extreme nature of this tour we insist that clients travel with an open and flexible attitude, and are prepared to accept inconvenience and discomfort if necessary. For those that are looking for true adventure this is the ultimate journey, and on parts of the tour clients will be rewarded with experiencing unspoiled wilderness seldom visited by other humans. Besides an adventurous spirit, visas are required by most nationalities for Mozambique, these are the clients responsibility and can be obtained in advance. Seasonal Malaria precautions are advised and are locally obtainable. If available, bring a mask and fins for snorkeling. Scuba diving will be available at some of the beach resorts - clients wishing to partake must bring the necessary certification.

The recommended currency for this tour is the South African Rand, and this can be purchased at Johannesburg airport. Before departure clients will be required to enter into an agreement agreeing to our booking conditions and general information. Our price includes all transport, accommodation, meals as specified, entry fees, xxx permits, groups equipment, and professional guide. Alcohol, soft drinks, curios, trips, visas, taxes, optional excursions and items of a personal nature are for the client's own expense.

Before departure clients will be required to enter into an agreement agreeing to our booking conditions and general information. Clients are required to have their own comprehensive personal travel insurance.


9 nights cabins or beach huts/casitas
7 nights participatory camping in 2 man dome tents, matrasses provided


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