20 day Camping or Accommodated Overland Safari from Cape Town to Victoria Falls 
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07.02.2025 | 19:28 | 742 Tours

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20 day Camping or Accommodated Overland Safari
from Cape Town to Victoria Falls

South Africa: San guided tour in the Cederberg area, Namibia: Gariep
(Orange) River - Fish River Canyon - Namib – Naukluft National Park
- Tropic of Capricorn - Sesriem Canyon, Guided Walk in Sossusvlei –
Spitzkoppe - Himba Tribal Interaction -2 Nights inside Etosha National
Park - Bushman Paintings & Tribal Dancing :: Botswana: 2 Night
Okavango Delta, Excursion - Chobe National Park River Cruise -
Zimbabwe: Victoria Falls National Park :: Sandboarding, Bungee
Jumping, Quad Biking

Soussvlei Sand dunes, Namibia
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20 days

max. 18


1.095,00 €

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Safari Map for Cape to Vic Tour

5 % for students 10% for bookings more than 6 months before tour starts

Itinerary of the Camping Tour from Cape to Vic:

Day 1 South Africa – Cederberg Mountain Region
Leaving Cape Town we make our first stop at Table View and take photos of Table Mountain from across Table Bay. On the way to the Cederberg we visit !Kwa ttu where we enjoy a San guided tour & museum visit. After the tour, lunch will be prepared and afterwards we continue to our campsite in the Cederberg region. We arrive at our accommodation and your guides will give you a full briefing on the tour.
Meals: Lunch, Dinner

Day 2 Namaqualand – Gariep (Orange) River
An early start, we head north via the distant town of Springbok, best known for its diamonds, copper and spring flowers. We then proceed to our camp located right beside the Namibian border. The camp is situated on the riverbank that forms the border between South Africa and Namibia.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 3 Namibia – Gariep (Orange) River - Fish River Canyon
This morning there’s the chance to see the beautiful river valley by canoe or just relax at camp. After lunch we cross the border and travel to the Fish River Canyon. After a scenic walk along the edge of the canyon we enjoy our dinner while watching the sunset. This is also a fantastic photo opportunity. Optional Activities: Half-Day Canoe Adventure.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 4 Namib-Naukluft National Park
We arrive at the Namib-Naukluft National Park and set up camp, then enjoy a short hike into the Sesriem Canyon. Tonight enjoy the star-studded sky and enduring silence of the Namib Desert, only occasionally interrupted by the call of a Jackal or, a rather unique lizard, the barking gecko!
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 5 Sossusvlei Dunes - Namib-Naukluft National Park
This is our earliest morning as we prepare for our hike up Dune 45 to marvel at the sunrise. After our hike, we will have the chance to visit Sossusvlei. Later, we join a local expert on a guided hike and learn more about the unique desert ecosystem and how the bushmen survived in the harsh desert conditions.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 6 Swakopmund
After a brief photo stop while crossing the Tropic of Capricorn, we travel onto Namibia’s Atlantic coast and the adventure capital, Swakopmund. Often there are flamingo’s at the Walvis Bay lagoon, just before we arrive in Swakopmund. You will be briefed on the many optional activities available here and then there is time to explore the town before dinner out at one of the local restaurants. Optional Activities: Dinner out
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Day 7 Swakopmund
The whole day is free to relax, explore or partake in one of the many activities available here. Most popular are Quadbking in the Dunes or Tandem Skydiving. On a clear day’s skydiving you can see all the way to the next day’s destination! Taking a walk around Swakopmund’s shops and having a leisurely lunch is also a great way to spend your day. Optional Activities: Quad biking, Sand boarding, Sky Diving, Dolphin Cruise, Scenic Flights, Fishing, Dinner out etc.
Meals: Breakfast

Day 8 Spitzkoppe
Leaving the coast we drive through arid landscapes to Spitzkoppe Mountain. The enormous granite monoliths dominate the otherwise flat landscape and we set up camp in the wild plain at the base. This afternoon our guide will take us on a guided walk to explore the unique rock formations. The more adventurous among us may want to try some mountain climbing behind camp for some stunning views of the landscape.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 9 Himba Tribes
After some early morning exploration we continue north and drive towards Kamanjab. Today we have the chance to experience life within a Himba tribe. The Himba are a pastoral people and predominantly breed cattle or goats. They are easily recognisable by their unique style of dress. The Himba have been extremely diligent about upholding the roots of their culture, but they are also very curious about visitors to their home.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 10/11 Etosha National Park
Etosha is the venue for some of the most unique game viewing experiences in Africa. The sparse grasslands allow great opportunities to see animals normally hidden in dense vegetation. You may even see some of the amazing animals crossing the road in front of your truck! We will go on various game drives, and spend our evenings at the abundant water holes for some excellent game photography. Optional Activities: Night or Dawn Drives in safari vehicles
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 12 Windhoek
After an early morning game drive we set off towards Windhoek, the Capital city of Namibia. On the way we stop at a popular craft market where you can barter for handmade gifts to take home. Windhoek is not only the capital; it is also the cultural, social and economic centre of the Namibia. On arrival in Windhoek our guide will take us on a short city tour in our truck. Joe’s Beer House is an exciting dining experience for our optional dinner out. Optional Activities: Dinner out.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Day 13 Botswana - Ghanzi
After an early start, we cross into Botswana and drive to Ghanzi. After setting up camp we meet with a local Bushman (San) community and experience some traditional tribal dancing.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 14 Maun
Our journey takes us from Ghanzi towards Maun. Maun is the gateway to the Okavango Delta and this afternoon we will prepare for this excursion, packing small 2-night bags. There may be an opportunity this afternoon to visit the local crocodile farm or take a scenic flight over the Okavango Delta. Optional Activity: Crocodile Farm visit, Scenic Flight
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 15/16 Maun – Okavango Delta
This morning we board the big 4x4 truck that will take us in to the Delta. In high-water season it is sometimes necessary to take a boat to the poling station where we meet up with the members of a local community who will be showing us their homeland. We spend 2-nights bush camping in the wilderness and, if the water level allows, we will take a mokoro (traditional canoe) trip through the waterways. We will also be going on some nature walks in the hope of seeing some wild animals in their natural habitat.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 17 Gweta
We leave the Delta behind us and travel east to Planet Baobab. You can explore the bush around the campsite, lounge by the pool and view some of the region’s oldest Baobab trees.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 18 Botswana - Chobe National Park
We travel to Chobe and this afternoon we enjoy a sunset river cruise, as the animals are best spotted from the Chobe River. Elephants, Hippo, Crocodiles, Eland and many other creatures reside in Chobe so keep your cameras ready.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 19 Zimbabwe - Victoria Falls
On arrival in Victoria Falls we have time to plan the next day’s adventure activities before we visit the spectacular Victoria Falls and experience the thundering of the mighty Zambezi. An optional dinner out is a friendly way to end your tour with all the new friends you’ve made along the way. Optional Activities: Chobe morning game drive, Zambezi Sunset Cruise, Dinner out, White Water Rafting, Bungee Jump, Elephant Excursion, Walking with Lions, Horse Riding and much more...
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Day 20 Victoria Falls
Officially your tour finishes after breakfast but most people will spend the day White Water Rafting, a not-to-be-missed experience of a lifetime! Vic Falls offers many exciting alternatives such as a walk with lions or a bungee jump from the bridge that joins Zimbabwe with Zambia. Optional Activities: White Water Rafting, Bungee Jump, Elephant Excursion, Walking with Lions, Horse Riding, Dinner out.
Meals: Breakfast

Price: EUR 1295 Campingtour Cape To Vic
Activity Package: EUR 295 which covers all acitivites described as included in the itinerary

Single Supplement: EUR 61
Meals: B x 19, L x 18, D x 18
Start Point: Cape Town
End Point: Victoria Falls
Accommodation: Twin Share Tents, matrasses provided

Beate Gernhuber


Mit der Gründung von SafariScout.com schliesst sich für Firmen-Inhaberin Beate Gernhuber ein Kreis: Nach 12 Jahren Afrika-Safari hat sich ihr Rucksack Urlaub verdient - andere sollen nun auf Reisen gehen. Und dies gut vorbereitet, mit Informationen und Insider-Tipps im Gepäck, die Beate Gernhuber in Südafrika, Namibia, Botswana, Mosambik, Malawi, Lesotho, Swaziland, Sambia, Simbabwe und Tansania gesammelt und getestet hat. Die knapp 100 Tourangebote auf dieser Website spiegeln ein Teil der Reiseroute wider, auf der die Globetrotterin in den vergangenen Jahren ihr persönliches Afrika-Abenteuer gelebt hat.

Bereist hat sie Afrika zu Lande, im Wasser und in der Luft. Das verlässlichste Reisegefährt war dabei ein VW-Bus von 1978, welcher der glühenden Hitze der Wüste Namibias ebenso trotzte wie den bergigen Strassen um Kapstadt. Und sich in zum Teil dicken Zuckersand bis an die Palmenstrände Mosambiks durchkämpfte. Zu Fuß kam sie auf einer Wildlife-Wander-Safari in Südafrikas Krüger National Park einem Geparden-Pärchen gefährlich nahe, ist in den Drakensbergen an der Grenze Lesothos Pavianen und Antilopen begegnet und in einem Schutzzentrum mit Elefanten spazierengegangen - Rüssel in Hand.

Mit einer traditionellen Dhau segelte sie zu den Inseln des mosambikanischen Bazaruto Archipels und paddelte im Kajak um die Inseln des Malawi-Sees. Eine Cessna gewährte zudem von hoch oben einen besonderen Ausblick auf ein grosses Loch in der Erde nahe der südafrikanischen Hauptstadt Pretoria - den Fundort des grössten Diamanten aller Zeiten, der heute die britischen Kronjuwelen ziert.

Einige Orte sind für Beate Gernhuber auf ihrer Safari zum zweiten Zuhause geworden, wo sie in verschiedenen Bereichen der Tourismus-Branche gearbeitet hat. Ein Jahr lang tauchte sie täglich mit Touristen in die Unterwasserwelt des Roten Meeres ab, sie managte eine Berg-Lodge in Südafrika und arbeitete in einem Reisebüro in der Nähe von Johannesburg - nicht zu vergessen die Strandbar in Malawi, die sie aufbaute und die es immer noch gibt.

Dabei hat Beate Gernhuber die Menschen kennengelernt, die heute hinter den Tourangeboten von SafariScout.com stehen. Das sind die Guides, die mit Ihnen auf Safari gehen werden, die Mitarbeiter der Tourunternehmen, die für einen reibungslosen Verlauf der Reisen sorgen und die Gastgeber in den Hotels und Lodges, bei denen Sie am Abend eines spannenden Reisetages ausspannen können. Mit diesen Menschen verbinden Beate Gernhuber zwei Dinge: Die Liebe zu Afrika und der Enthusiasmus, Ihnen unvergessliche Eindrücke dieses facettenreichen Kontinents vermitteln zu wollen.

SafariScout.com wünscht Hamba Kahle. Das ist Zulu und bedeutet: Gute Reise!


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Besondere Hinweise

This trip also offers an accommodated version and is also running in reverse from Vic Falls to Cape Town.


Camping: 2 man dome tents with matrasses, dormitory style accommodation in Swakopmund, rooms in Victoria Falls, bush camping at the Okavango Delta


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